Photo of tomatoes with text. Sample Budget for Small-Scale Commercial Tomato Operations Margarita Velandia, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Zachariah Hansen, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology Annette Wszelaki, Department of Plant Sciences Ty Wolaver, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Sample Budget for Small-Scale Commercial Tomato Operations

                      Zachariah Hansen, assistant professor and Extension specialist in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, collaborated with colleagues within the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture to publish a sample budget for small-scale commercial tomato operations. To view the sample budget, visit

two soybean leaves held in hand

Monitoring Diseases and Fungicide Sensitivity

                                        Soybean farmers rely on a combination of cultural practices, variety resistance and fungicides to manage diseases. Heather Kelly, professor and Extension specialist with the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, leads research to provide farmers the information they need to effectively use these tools. “We’ve developed and adapted our sentinel plot program to monitor soybean diseases and the pathogens’ sensitivity to common fungicides,” she says. “We also screen soybean varieties to understand their levels of disease resistance and fungicide efficacy to equip farmers to make sound management decisions.” The Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board invests checkoff dollars in supporting Kelly’s research.