
Are you insecure about your insect cures?

A UT Urban IPM Lab Newsletter for the Pest Management Industry

Vol. 4, Issue 8: An Unusual Infestation of Millipedes

Vol. 4, Issue 7: Stoy Hedges and Odorous House Ants

Vol. 4, Issue 6: What are all of these larvae in my house? Small hive beetle

Vol. 4, Issue 5: The Meal Moth, Pyralis farinalis (L.)

Vol. 4, Issue 4: Chagas Disease Not a High Risk in Tennessee

Vol. 4, Issue 3: Educational Opportunities to Advance Your Career in Pest Management

Vol. 4, Issue 2: New World Army Ants, Neivamyrmex spp.

Vol. 4, Issue 1: Tetramorium tsushimae, the Japanese Pavement Ant

Vol. 3, Issue 12: Muscina pascuorum (Meigen) Invading Eastern Tennessee Cabins

Vol. 3, Issue 10/11: The Smokybrown Cockroach

Vol 3, Issue 9: The Formosan Subterranean Termite in Tennessee

Vol 3, Issue 8: Urban Pest Management Training Offered by the University of Tennessee

Vol 3, Issue 7: The Dark Rover Ant, Brachymyrmex patagonicus Mayr

Vol 3, Issue 6: Hammerhead Worms

Vol 3, Issue 5: The Asian Needle Ant

Vol 3, Issue 4: Turkestan Cockroaches

Vol 3, Issue 3: Drywood Termites in Tennessee and A Hack for Using a Portable Heater and an IR Camera to Detect Infested Areas?

Vol 3, Issue 2: New R & R

Vol 3, Issue 1: Edward Osborne (E.O.) Wilson

Vol 2, Issue 12: Eight new ACEs in Tennessee

Vol 2, Issue 11: The Joro Spider, Coming to an Account Near You?

Vol 2, Issue 10: Proposed Interim Registration Review Decision (PID) of Pyrethrins and the Synergists PBO and MGK-264

Vol 2, Issue 8: The 7th Annual Bed Bug, Cockroach and Rodent Management Meeting and The Effects of COVID-19 on Pest Management in Tennessee Low-income Housing

Vol 2, Issue 7: Rope, Snake, Worm or Trail of Fungus Gnat Larvae?

Vol 2, Issue 6: Imported Fire Ant Quarantine Expands in Tennessee

Vol 2, Issue 5: Dogs and Cats Are Not a Common Bed Bug Host in High Rises for the Elderly

Vol 2, Issue 4: Clover Mites

Vol 2, Issue 3: Advice for Submitting Digital Images for Urban Pest Identification

Vol 2, Issue 2: Can trapping alone eliminate brown recluse activity in a commercial building?

Vol 2, Issue 1: Update on a new tick in town, the Asian longhorned tick

Vol 1, Issue 3: Are bed bugs resistant to the management products I’m applying?

Vol 1, Issue 2: Vacuuming bed bugs from furniture as a stand-alone treatment?

Vol 1, Issue 1:  Reticulitermes hageni, the light southern subterranean termite